What causes Thunder?

Lightning does.In an instant, a bolt of lightning can heat the air around it up to  60,000 F . The heated air expands violently,  like an explosion. As the air expands it also cools quickly and starts to contract. This quick expansion and contraction air create the shock waves we hear as thunder.

Think of popping a balloon. When you blow it up, you are putting the air under pressure . Why? Because air molecules in the ballon are packed more tightly than they are in the air around it. The rubber keeps the air inside balloons from spreading out. When the balloon breaks, the air expands rapidly like the air superheated by lightning. The molecules from inside the balloon push against those on the outside creating shock wave that you hear as a pop". up. sound.

Why does chopping onions make your eyes water?

I am not the smell. The knife breaks open the onion's cells, letting out enzymes that react with other substances from the broken cells. A gas is formed mild sulfuric acid The front of the eye cornea has many sensitive nerve endings. They detect the irritation and alert the brain. The brain tells the tear ducts  (lachrymal glands ) to produce more water to clean the eyes.

What causes Rainbow?

The light we usually see the visible light is made up of different frequencies or colors in a certain range called the spectrum. The colors of the visible spectrum are red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet. White light is a mixture of all these colors. A prism can separate the frequencies mixed in a beam of white light into the colors of the spectrum.

Why do divers get The Bends?

The air we breathe is 78%  nitrogen and 21% oxygen.Our bodies can't use nitrogen and We normally get rid of it when we breathe out.Underwater, the pressure on a diverse body increases. The diver is also breathing pressurized air which is mostly nitrogen from tanks. More and more nitrogen gets into the body as the diver goes deeper. this is ok until the diver starts back up. Rising fast makes the nitrogen form bubbles. This can cause a rash m coughing. dizziness, unconsciousness. and death. It also makes it hard to bend " To avoid this m a diver must rise very slowly. Then the nitrogen can escape through the lungs, molecule by molecule the only safe way.

Why does shaking a can of coke or soda make it spray all over?

Why does shaking a can of coke or soda make it spray all over?

A can of coke or soda contains carbon dioxide gas under pressure. The pressure makes it dissolve in the Soda. Molecules in a liquid have a strong attraction for each other called surface tension. I take energy to separate them, so it is hard for the carbon dioxide inside the can form bubbles. Once a bubble formed, it takes less energy for the gas molecules to join the existing bubble.

When you open a soda can, the gas escapes slowly and the soda takes a long time to go flat. But if you shake the can first, the little bit of gas above the soda seems into the liquid as small bubbles. This gives the gas many starting points to get out in a hurried way.

Why is it cold in the Winter and Hot in the summer

Imagine a line running through the center of Earth from the north pole to the south pole. Earth rotates around this line  (its axis). Because Earths' Axis is tilted 23.5 degrees, either the Northern or Southern Hemisphere points toward the sun in June, July, and August, the Southern Hemisphere points away. In December, January, and February, these positions are reversed Australia has its summer during North America's winter. Tilting away from the Sun in winter means that the light because it is spread out over more area.

Why do Leaves Change color in the fall ?

Tree leaves contain a chemical called chlorophyll, which makes them look green in spring and summer. Chlorophyll helps capture light energy from the Sun and change it to a chemical form, like sugar, as food for the tree. The leaves also contain yellow and orange carotenoids (the substance that makes carrots orange), but THE GREEN Chlorophyll in spring and summer masks those other colors. In the fall, as days get shorter and colder, the chlorophyll breaks down and the yellow & orange show up . during the temperature falls below  45 degrees at night, sugar made during the day gets trapped in the leaves.This is what makes sugar maple leaves so it looks red.